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Rescinds the 2018 February Leadership resolution in favor of the 2017 Annual Assembly resolution.
Seeks legal opinion and support to ensure Dehcho Dene equality regardless of Indian act status throughout Canada.
Redirects Undah Gogha funds to renovate T’elemia Camp.
Seeks legal opinions on options to resist GNWT land lease fees increases.
Calls on Canada to provide funding so that communities may consult on the draft AiP.
Provides guidance for conduct of future Dehcho assemblies.
Directs further cooperation with Dehcho Health & Social Services to improve programming and co-host a cross-cultural workshop.
Approves the boundary agreement with ADK.
Accepts the operational plan for 2014-2015.
Appoints members to the Investment Management Board.
Approves 2012-2013 Resource Royalties recipients.
Recognizes Dehcho Dene harvesting rights throughout Treaty areas and other traditional territories.
Committs to collectively owning and governing Dehcho Ndehe as One House.
Approves the operating budget.
Directs an independent review of the Dehcho Trust.
Directs IRDA funds to be released and report on the results. Conference call.
Appoints a member to the IMB.
Approves the operating budget.
May 12-13: Dehcho Process negotiations agenda. Meeting held in Fort Simpson.
Approves IMB line item budget changes between Assemblies.
Approves the operating budget.
Approves the Replacement Trust for submission to CRA to obtain an Advance Tax Ruling.
Appoints a member to the IMB.
RE: Grand Chief, RE: Appointment of Acting Grand Chief, RE: Policies and Bylaws, RE: Severance Pay for Former Grand...
Appoints a member to the IMB.
Returns income paid by the Master Trust back to the Trust for continued growth.
DFN sets up the Master Trust to receive settlement funds.
Appoints a member to the IMB.
Appoints CIBC as Trustee of the Master Trust.
Sets a date for the completion of the work described by the Constitutional Working Group.
RE: KFN Protected Areas Strategy, RE: Pedzeh Ki First Nation, RE: Negotiations Mandate, RE: Communications Plan
Approves a working committee to draft terms and conditions to ensure equal access to the Master Trust.
Calls Canada to recognize DFN’s authority over the Dehcho and proposes a non-derogation clause. Unpaired resolution tail.
Calls Canada to recognize DFN’s authority over the Dehcho and negotiate all major developments through the Dehcho Process.
Encourages a more inclusive exploratory licensing process with DFN involvement. Unfinished.
Directs the Grand Chief to challenge the free entry system and initiate legal action should negotiations fail.