Resource Royalties Submissions


The Interim Resource Development Agreement (IRDA) signed in April 2003 provides that the DCFN will receive a share of federal royalties from resource development in the Mackenzie Valley prior to a final agreement.

The amount of Royalties available for distribution for this year is $ 924,430.03 these funds can be accessed for economic development projects. The guidelines for eligibility for project funding are set out in Appendix C of the IRDA.

Guidelines and criteria to apply for the DCFN resource royalties are available on our website:

Or by contacting the DCFN office for copies.

Applications for economic development funding deadline is November 29, 2004.

All submissions should be forwarded to the Deh Cho First Nations Executive Director at:

Executive Director

Dehcho First Nations

Box 89

Fort Simpson, NT X0E 0N0

Phone: (867) 695-2355/2610

Fax (867)695-2038
