Nahe Náhodhe – Our Way of Life
To promote Dene Zhatie in the Dehcho region, Dehcho First Nations, in collaboration with partners and local communities, undertook this video and booklet project, Titled “Nahenáhodhe” – Our way of life, to share Dehcho Dene language, culture and knowledge of the land.
From October 1 to October 7th 2019, twenty-four participants including elders, fluent language speakers, youth and staff members gathered at the Kátł’odeeche Dene Wellness Center. Videographers documented the knowledge shared during the week and produced six short videos. Those videos will be made into six booklets in Dene Zhatie about Moose Hide, Spruce Trees, Dene Laws, Camp Setup, and Plant wisdom. The booklets will be made available for download online and then distributed in Dehcho Communities.
This project is dedicated to our ancestors. They show us the way through the stories they have told, the knowledge they have shared, and the children they have raised.
We hope that this project inspires our youth. Enjoy.
Máhsı edı Megháahnda
Edı tł’a nahecho gı̨lé gonats’ęndı́h t’áh mek’eh eghálats’ı̨ndá á ǫt’e. Gogǫndıé gháádé goghánahonetę, t’ahsı́ı goghágonétǫ kegogedı̨hshǫ nahets’ę́ kagedı, gots’ęh dáǫndı́h t’áh dezǫą genehsheh.
Dehcho zhı́eh gozhatıé k’éndah met’áh ats’et’ı̨ gha, Dehcho Fırst Natıons, Dene ndaa gohéh eghálagendá, gots’ęh kų́ę́ zhágóla ndaa gots’ágęndı t’áh Dehcho Dene zhatıé, gonáhodhe, gots’ęh dáǫndı́h ndéh ts’ęh keots’edı̨hshǫ t’áh edı edı̨htł’éh náedah gots’ęh edı̨htł’éh mek’ezhats’ehtı k’eh éghálats’ı̨dá.
Įts’éndaa Zaa łıé gots’ęh łáhdı̨ı̨, 2019 gots’ę́ ekúh Dene ǫkı honǫ ɂǫ́ǫ́-dı̨ı̨ łéthede, ǫndah, Dene amı́ı Dene zhatıé t’áh nezųh gǫndeh, dezǫa ohndah gots’ęh gohéh eghálagedéh Kátł’odeeche Dene Najéh K’é łégehdeh. Dene dáǫ́ndı́h t’ahsı́ı kegogedı̨hshǫ gots’ę́ kagedı t’áh Dene goedehtł’éhı́hchuh dek’ehnı́zhénıdhah gots’ęh mets’ęh edı̨htł’éh náedah ehts’ę́taı aek’áhe ts’ehtsı̨. Edı edı̨htł’éh náedah ts’ets’ı̨ ts’ęh edı̨htł’éh mek’ezhats’ehtı aetsélıa ts’ehts’ı̨. Edı tł’a Golǫdhéh, Ts’u, Mek’ı̨́ı̨ ́ Dene Ts’ı̨lı̨, Dechı̨tah ats’et’ı̨ gha Seenı́ots’ı̨́ɂah, gots’ęh Dechı̨tah t’ahsı́ı nezheh Met’áhodéɂá ghǫh á ǫt’e.
Edı mets’ęh k’eots’edúɂáh ts’enıdhę t’áh mek’eh eghálats’ı̨ndá. Nezhųh megháahnda.
This project is grateful, first and foremost to our elders and fluent language speakers who shared their wealth of knowledge and experience; without your support this
project would not be possible.
A heartfelt thank you to Katł’o’deeche First Nation for hosting this project in their home community.
This project has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.
Financial and in-kind support was also provided by: Dechinta Center for Research and Learning, Dehcho First Nations and Dehcho K’ehodi.
Mahsi to Reel Youth and Carrie Brenenman for their work on the project.
Amı́ı Gots’ágı̨ndı
Mek’eh eghálats’ı̨ndá t’áh amı́ı gots’ágındı́h tł’a, ala nahe ǫhndah gots’ęh Dene amı́ı dezhatıé k’ı̨́ı̨ ́ zháogı̨́ndeh edegǫndıé gots’ęh azhı́ı egogedı̨hshǫ nahendáh agedı; azhǫ nahets’ágendı t’áh nezųh agújá.
Katł’odeeche chu máhsı náahdéh k’eh nahetah edı mek’eh eghálats’ı̨ndá.
Government of Canada chu edı mek’eh eghálats’ı̨ndá t’áh nahets’ágı̨ndı́.
Dechınta Center for Research and Learnıng, Dehcho Fırst Natıons gots’ęh Dehcho K’ehodı chu saamba t’áh gots’ęh nahets’ágı̨ndı́ gha chu.
Reel Youth gots’ęh Carrıe Breneman chu edı t’áh nahets’ágındı gha máhsı.
We recognize the following people for their help and contribution to this project:
Amı́ı edı k’eh eghálats’ęnda t’áh gots’ágındı́ gots’ęh gotah ageat’ı̨ ́ tła:
- Aline Gargan
- Alisha Moses
- Anandi Brownstein
- Betty Hardisty
- Douglas Norwegian
- Elaine Lamalice
- Georgina Fabien
- Helen Kotchea
- James Cayen
- John McLeod
- Jonathan Antoine
- Joyce Mcleod
- Justina Black
- Margaret Ireland
- Margaret Leishman
- Mike Low/ Dehcho AAROM
- Nadine Menicoche
- Nicole Sanguez
- Ramona Pearson
- Robert Lamalice
- Rose Moses
- Violet Fabien
- Yvonne Norwegian
Project leads: Kristen Tanche, Violet Jumbo and special Thanks to Andy Norwegian.