Education & Language
Encouraging the growth of the Dehcho through workplace training, education funding, and language revitalization.
The Dehcho First Nations are able to support with Education and Training, as well as Awards and Scholarship programs, to those within our community. We believe Education should enable our members to confidently live and work in both Dene and western worlds, blending the traditional values of our people with the modern realities of the present.
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Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program (ISET Program)
The Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program (ISET) Program is designed to help prepare for, and find high-demand jobs in […]
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Scholarships & Awards
Dehcho First Nations Memorial Awards & Scholarships Policy Dehcho First Nations Memorial Awards & Scholarships were established in 1995 by […]
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Language & Culture
Language Programs – Dene Zhatıé Edıtłéh Saámba k’ęndı As this is the Decade of Indigenous Languages Dehcho First Nations administration […]
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